Left Thrupp at eight thirty in drizzle but the weather rapidly improved. A few hire boats were going back north after their short weekend breaks. Went down Dukes Cut onto the Thames.
Once on the Upper Thames (Isis) we found out exactly why the advice was that although levels were low the stream was strong. We made slow but steady progress upstream unlike those going downstream who appeared to be in a log flume. Yellow boards are displayed at locks but some canoeists took the opportunity to go rapidly (very) downstream. Got our EA licence at Eynsham lock. Moored up just below Northmoor lock overnight. On the tree next to where we moored is a homemade marker showing the recent flood level. The mark is about two metres above present levels!
Flood marker near Northmoor
The marked flood level at Pinkhill Lock was above that for all previous floods including 1894, 1947 and 2003. Levels are indicated to fall further. The weather tomorrow looks good but Tuesday it looks like being a wet and windy day.
Flood markers at Pinkhill Lock - the red line is July 2007
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