As I indicated in the earlier blog, I looked around for a replacement stater motor when it became clear the troubles I was experiencing were more serious than just a solenoid.
The original motor was identified as a CAV 45F. Searching the web I found a company in Preston who handled the range. It turned out that the original motor, or rather the one delivered with the engine, was a rebuilt 12-volt unit. I had my suspicions when I found the casing was marked with 24-8 but overplated with a Lucas CAV label.
The replacement unit was turned around in 24 hours by CAV Automotive Ltd and the price was resonable. They certainly know their stuff. They identified that the motor required was a C45F 12-11 with clockwise rotation. Evidently they supply to factors throughout the country. They have an ebay shop that gives examples of their range including motors for Gardner, Perkins, Petter, Dorman and Lister engines. I registered the 2YWM (Greaves /R&H) with them.

Replacement CAV 45F starter motor