Stoke Bruerne Village at War 2012

We had a busy weekend with our family. However, we couldn't miss visiting Stoke Bruerne for their wonderful Village and War event today. Our first outing with all three grandchildren  - the youngest Hugh, is less than a month old.

Stoke Bruerne during The Village at War
As usual Stoke Bruerne was full of 1940s renactors, with a good sprinkling of military vehicles, vintage cars, bicycles and of course working narrow boats. All in a good cause - the Canal Museum.
Mr Churchill keeping up morale

Last year the event was held in the middle of an Indian Summer. We were not so fortunate this year but the rain stayed away and the towpath was crowded. This year the front cover of the programme features a sepia print of bloggers Jo and Keith from NB Hadar.
Jo and Keith chatting to friends
Catching up on the war effort
Our eldest grandchild, Amelia is two and three quarters and is at the age where she appreciates all sorts of new experiences. She loved the boats and really enjoyed her tour of Raymond. She also enjoyed watching Nutfield go down the top lock.

Maggie and Amelia on butty Raymond

Amelia and Maggie watch Steve Miles take Nutfield through Stoke Bruerne Top Lock

1940s Police
The are usually a number of police reanactors at the Village at War event. This year there appeared to be quite a few. I managed to snap one talking to a PCSO. In the 1940s equipment was a truncheon (hidden away) and a pair of handcuffs. A lot more equipment nowadays, including a stab proof vest, even for a PCSO.
Northamptonshire Home Guard brewing up
I will finish with my favourite shot of the day - the Home Guard brewing up. An army does march on its stomach.
Next week we set off on Albert on a autumn trip to Henley - or at least that's the plan. The river levels are falling - for the moment at least.