Cosgrove for an Oil Change

I like to get the sump on the Ruston nice and warm when changing the oil and often carry out changes of an evening when cruising. On our last trip up the Ashby there were a few things to sort out following the boat painting and bathroom refurb so I never got around to changing the oil. With yesterday being a sunny warm day we decided to take a trip to Cosgrove to change the oil and do few other jobs.

A quiet Sunday in Cosgrove

It was quiet on the canal with only the occasional boat passing, mostly hire craft from Wyvern Shipping or Alvechurch.

Cans and Rag Mop on the Roof

After changing the oil using the brass hand pump attached to the engine, I cleaned out the sump below and replaced the oil-absorbent pads. It was a very messy job made worse by a recent diesel leak. The pipework from the twin fuel filters to the injector pumps has numerous copper washer seals and one joint had an intermittent leak. I manage to realign the filter and replace the washers and that appears to have solved the problem. The sump now looks respectable which is more than can be said for my overalls.