Albert's paint job wasn't without some difficulties but she now looks very smart. You now begin to realise how faded the Middle Coach Green had become when you see the fresh new paint. The new Imitation Gold coach-lines also look very smart.

New paint and anodes
The roof is no longer Mason's Chestnut but is Corfe Grey and the rear section is now Raddle Red (Craftmaster) which should be more practical than the scumbling. The red pigeon box, cratch board and counter are Mason's Middle Red.

New roof colour scheme (decoration to come)
The boat alongside came into the dry dock painted in primer after shot-blasting. She now has a name - Bird on a Wire.

Filling the dry dock after the re-paint
We spent the day tidying up the boat, replacing the curtains and getting rid of the layer of dust that, despite all precautions, had pervaded the inside of the boat.
The next stage is to get Colin Dundas working on the signwriting, decoration and the scumbling. We will take Albert up to High House at the weekend for Colin to start work next week.