Teddington Locks Plaques

We visited Teddington Locks yesterday afternoon, by foot. The spring sunshine was glorious and The Anglers was very busy with families.

A wedding party passed through the lock on Turk's Yarmouth Belle. Presumably they were en-route to the reception. What a great idea!

Wedding Party on Yarmouth Belle, Teddington Lock

Teddington Lock is of course the site of the famous Monty Python Fish Slapping Dance sketch and has an unofficial "Blue Plaque" recording the event, wisely located inside a locked hut by the Launch Lock. A photo showing the sketch, signed by Michael Palin, is inside the lock keeper's office.

There are, however, numerous other plaques recording events all around the lock. I was particularly taken by a pair related to the restoration of the locks in 1857. One was laid with the foundation stone in 1857 and lay submerged until 1950 - made to last!

Teddington Lock foundation stone plaque

Teddington Locks opening plaque